Conservation activities


This is a list of films with an appearance by Dr Steve Boreham


Pure Clean Water - Tony Eva

October 2023






This is a list of on-line talks on aspects of geology and conservation given by Dr Steve Boreham with links to recordings where possible.


Cambridgeshire Geological Society

13th December 2021

The Geology of the Lower Cam and Wicken Vision Area

Passcode for talk: di8M.f^%


Cambridge Natural History Society

4th November 2021

Biodiversity of the Hobson's Brook Corridor

Passcode for talk: =AT9kE1e


Orwell Parish Council

7th October 2021

Orwell Pit and Beyond - The potential for Rewilding and Conservation initiatives around the village of Orwell


Cambridge Natural History Society

18th March 2021

Wild Reach - wildlife conservation at the fen edge

Passcode for talk: *l0ri83*


Fen Edge Archaeology Group

21st April 2023

The Geology of the Lower Cam and Wicken Vision Area

This talk described the landscape and architecture of Holocene and earlier deposits in the Wicken Vision area, where the Lower Cam valley joins southern Fenland.  This area has two disparate sedimentary systems. The deposits are sometimes cryptic, and outcrops and topography are often mantled beneath an overgrowth of late Holocene peat, which has often made archaeological interpretation difficult. The Wicken Vision is a hundred-year scheme by the National Trust to create a new 53 km2 nature reserve between Cambridge and Wicken Fen. The area is characterised by its flat, low-lying topography and by soils developed on Holocene peat overlying clay-rich bedrock. However, such a simplistic description masks a wealth of geological complexity.



Cambridgeshire Geological Society

11th December 2024

Introduction to the Geology of the Chalk Springs and Chalk Streams of Cambridgeshire

The Chalk Springs of Cambridgeshire provide a unique aquatic habitat and have a vital role in feeding the Chalk Streams that flow through the southern part of the county. These springs arise in a variety of styles and geological settings, and there is considerable debate about what constitutes a ‘chalk stream’. Spring types appear to be linked to the lithology and stratigraphy of the Cenomanian Chalk and their distribution may also be influenced by past glacial and periglacial activity. Understanding these variations is essential if the geodiversity of these landforms is to be preserved.


Histon & Impington Archaeology Group

12th February 2024

Unseen Histon & Impington: The geology beneath your feet

Passcode for talk: MILANKOVITCH


Wildlife Trust Training Workshop

5th May 2024

Introduction to the Geology of the Great Fen area

This Workshop aimed to describe the stratigraphy and sediment architecture of Holocene deposits in the Great Fen area. Understanding the Holocene deposits of the Lower Nene fen-edge is essential for the continuing development of the Great Fen, the ongoing plan to re-wild ca. 3000 ha of former farmland in the Whittlesey Mere basin between Holme Fen and Woodwalton Fen National Nature Reserves. In addition to an introductory lecture the field excursion visited key locations including the Holme Fen Post, Rymes Reedbed and Engine Farm. The workshop concluded with a summary session at Ramsey Heights.



Dr Steve Boreham has been the Science Co-ordinator for several Citizen Science events.


The Hobson's Conduit Trust 2021 Bacterial Survey of Hobson's Brook.


The Hobson's Conduit Trust 2023 Bacterial Survey of Hobson's Brook.


The Hobson's Conduit Trust 2023 eDNA Survey of Hobson's Brook.


The Hobson's Conduit Trust 2024 Waterblitz Survey of Hobson's Brook.



Dr Steve Boreham has been the Science Co-ordinator for several Bioblitz events.


The Hobson's Conduit Trust 2017 Bioblitz events centred on Nine Wells LNR and Empty Common, Cambridge.


The Hobson's Conduit Trust 2018 Bioblitz event concentrated on Hobson's Park, Cambridge.


The Hobson's Conduit Trust 2019 Bioblitz event concentrated on Clare College Playing Field, Cambridge.


The Hobson's Conduit Trust 2022 Bioblitz event concentrated on Clare Wood & North Meadow, Cambridge.


The Hobson's Conduit Trust 2023 Bioblitz event concentrated on Darien Meadow, Cambridge.


The Hobson's Conduit Trust 2024 Bioblitz event concentrated on Brookside and New Bit Meadow, Cambridge.


Empty Common BioBlitz Empty Common 2017 BioBlitz Poster
Clare Wood & North Meadow 2022 Bioblitz Poster
Clare College Playing Field 2019 Bioblitz Poster
Hobson's Park BioBlitz Hobson's Park 2018 BioBlitz Poster
Nine Wells BioBlitz Nine Wells 2017 BioBlitz Poster
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